Products we recommend

Our list of recommended things you can buy

Products we recommend

Our list of recommended things you can buy

There are lots of companies making and selling dog products, each claiming that their own is the best. The following products are tried, tested and recommended by Little Orchard.

ALL of the products listed can be purchased from Little Orchard.

You can either visit us at Little Orchard or request an item from your trainers and it will be ready for you to collect at class on the following lesson.

The ZoomGroom by KONG

The KONG ZoomGroom is the best grooming and shampooing brush available. It removes loose hair like a magnet, and it stimulates capillaries and natural oil product for healthy skin and a healthy coat. It is kind to the Dog and doesn’t cause any pain as it’s made out of a rubber like material.

A Metal Crate

Crates and pens come in a variety of Sizes, Shapes and Colours but essentially they are all the same. They provide a safe “Den” for your dog where they can have their own space. We feed our own dogs in their crates and shut them in at night or when we go out. A soft crate provides a “home from home” setup if travelling or on holiday. For more details on crate training, see our advice page by CLICKING HERE

A piece of Non-slip bedding

Pet bedding comes in a variety of colours in both standard and non-slip varieties. We stock the non-slip variety as it is more practical for use in training. Vet bedding can be used as a “settle mat”, to cover beds or to line a crate base. Vet bedding is machine washable, allowing for easy cleaning and a more hygienic environment. We offer 150cm x 100cm pieces or 75cm x 100cm pieces.

A good quality Whistle and Lanyard

We like to teach a whistle recall as it is non emotive and can be used by many handlers in the same family. It can provide a good accurate recall over distance. We sell Acme Gun Dog whistles in 2 pitches – 211.5 and 210.5.

A Clicker

At Little Orchard we use “Clicker training” from our Kennel Club Bronze Award upwards. At Bronze we provide a clicker free of charge. We recommend the i-click by Karen Pryer. They are easy to use and less awkward than traditional box clickers. The Clicker is used to mark a behaiour (imagine taking a photograph of a great behaviour and the clicker being the camera button). It is a consistent sound for the dog and will ALWAYS be followed by reward.

An Interactive Feeder

Interactive feeders allow food to be given in a fun and challenging way for the Dog. They provide mental stimulation and are good “boredom busters” if you are leaving your dog alone. Those pictured are a KONG, A Gorilla, a Green Interactive Feeder and an Interactive Dog Maze. They are all available at Little Orchard.

Bungee tug toys

Whether playing with a Puppy or using a toy for reward in agility, we recommend bungee tig toys. The toys shown are made by Tug-E-Nuff but there are other manufacturers making the same style toys. They are made with an elactic shock cord handle which means as the Dog tugs the toy, they tug against the bungee. It prevents the feeling of your arm being pulled away 🙂

A correctly fitted harness

There are several makes and sytes of harness. We use and sell “Y Style” harnesses that fit the dog securely.  There are physical and social benefits to using a harness.

Lamb Braids

We use lamb braids to provide a longer lasting chew for Pups and to teach “sharing” with us. They can be separated into individual strands if required.

Lamb Ears

These are a good soft chew that are smaller than Rabbit Ears. They provide a chewing opportunity for smaller mouths.

Rabbit Ears

These are available in “Puffed” and “Plain” varieties. They are a soft chew suitable for young Pups.

Adult chews

A selection of chewing options is handy to have. They allow the dog to calm and relax. This image has Goat ears and Braids, Camel Braids, Buffalo ear, Fish Skin, Hairy Rabbit ear and Black pudding sticks. There is a type of chew available for most breeds and sizes of dog.

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