Training Services

These courses are available at Little Orchard

Training Services

These courses are available at Little Orchard

At Little Orchard Dog Training Academy we offer a variety of training courses to suit dogs of all ages and ability levels.

We cater for both pet dogs and working / competition dogs.

Puppy courses are limited to dogs under 20 weeks old (at the first session) but there is no maximum age limit for a dog being trained.

Our courses are regularly updated to suit demand and progression, for example near the end of the Puppy Courses, Bronze Courses will be made available prior to being advertised online.

It has always been the case that shock, vibration and spray collars have not been allowed at Little Orchard Classes. After a great deal of thought and discussion, we will now challenge inappropriate use of “Anti Pull” / “Stop Pull” harnesses, slip leads and the use of extending leads at KC Puppy Classes and KC Bronze Classes. This may result in the trainer asking for the item to be removed and an alternative offered.
This harness type and extending lead are marketed as “solutions” to lose lead walking but they can hinder the teaching of this area in an indoor training environment and harm the dog in the process.

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